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open rhinoplasty nerve damage

open Rhinoplasty nerve damage Rhinoplasty Recovery Process In order to ensure healthy recovery from plastic surgery, it is important to take certain measures to prevent any further complications associated with rhinoplasty. There are specific precautions that should be followed once a patient receives a nose job. These include the following: resting the head above chest level when in bed to reduce bleeding and swelling avoiding strenuous activity such as cardiovascular exercise avoiding swimming avoiding lifting anything over 20 pounds avoiding bending down unless knees are bent sunglasses and eyeglasses should not rest on the nose (this can be avoided by taping glasses to the forehead or using cheek rests) avoiding certain medications and sunlight Changes Associated With Aging Skin The changes that occur in the skin from infancy to old age are a result of both intrinsic and extrinsic aging pro-enhanced therapy for the aging face syndrome. Treatment protocols should b


WHAT GIVES THE NOSE ITS SHAPE?   The top of the nose is made of bone shaped like a roof, which is hard and can be broken when injured. The middle and tip of the nose are made of cartilage, which is softer. The skin varies in thickness from person to person, and also affects the shape.   The appearance of the nose is due to the shape of bone and cartilage under the skin.   WHAT IS A RHINOPLASTY? The nose is the defining feature of the face. Over 90% of face to face communication is non-verbal, and the relationship between the size and shape of the nose and the face is crucial to how a person looks.   R hinoplasty is a term used to include a number of different operations to improve the shape of the nose. Everyone’s nose is different, and so the type of rhinoplasty performed depends on what part of the nose needs changing. The nose can be straightened, made smaller or bigger, bumps may be removed or hollows filled in. If the latter is required, it is usually achieved with pieces of

Popular Plastic Surgery Procedures

12 Popular Plastic Surgery Procedures 1. Liposuction Liposuction is the removal of fat deposits using a tube inserted beneath the skin; fat is then sucked out using a vacuum-like device. The procedure is often performed on the abdomen, buttocks, hips, thighs, and upper arms. Of the 323,605 liposuctions performed in 2005, 89 percent of the patients were women. Recovery times range from one to four weeks, but it may take up to six months for all the swelling to go down. This procedure will suck about $2,300 out of your wallet. 2. Rhinoplasty Commonly called a nose job, rhinoplasty is the reshaping of the nose to make it bigger or smaller, to narrow the span of the nostrils, or to change the angle between the nose and upper lip. Rhinoplasty is popular with men and women -- of the 298,413 rhinoplasty procedures done in 2005, 67 percent were performed on women. People typically need one to three weeks to recover, but they are advised to avoid bumping their noses or getting them sunburn

Operative Information RHINOPLASTY

Operative Information RHINOPLASTY nose, surgery, nose job, rhinoplasty, plastic surgery, surgeon, shape, nose surgery, plastic surgeon, rhinoplasty RHINOPLASTY Post – Operative Information ·          After your Rhinoplasty procedure an external splint will be applied to the outside of your nose.   This needs to be left in place for one week. ·          Sleep slightly propped upright against 2 – 3 pillows for the first week.   This will help to reduce any swelling you may experience post surgery. ·          You must take all oral antibiotic tablets you have been prescribed until finished, to avoid potential infection. ·          During the first 72 hours you may experience some discomfort. ·            It is important to take regular pain relief. Paracetamol or Panadeine taken four to six hourly. In addition you may be prescribed a stronger analgesia for the first few days, please take as directed ·          DO NOT TAKE Aspirin or anti-inflammatory medications unless they are


RHINOPLASTY Who is it for? Rhinoplasty is performed to improve nose shape, improve breathing or both. It may be purely cosmetic or after trauma (where the nose has changed shape after being broken). A full assessment of your nasal appearance and function is essential before any operation. It is important to be able to discuss particular concerns and desires at this stage to allow appropriate plans to be made. It is essential to mention any previous nasal surgery or trauma. Knowledge of your general health will allow assessment of fitness for an anaesthetic. How is it done? Rhinoplasty is performed under general anaesthetic, usually with an overnight stay. Small procedures can be done as day cases. Incisions are often made on the inside of the nostril and are not visible. In some cases an incision may also need to be placed just under the nose. Further incisions may be required to change the size of the nostrils if required. When only the shape of the nose requires changing the ti

How Can I Get Ready For My Rhinoplasty?

How Can I Get Ready For My Rhinoplasty? Description Most things in life go better if you're well prepared. Cosmetic surgery is no different. Many people look to improve their bodies through cosmetic surgeries such as rhinoplasties (a surgery also called "nose job" or "nose surgery"). People who prepare their bodies and themselves well tend to be better candidates for surgery. Article Most things in life go better if you're well prepared. Cosmetic surgery is no different. Many people look to improve their bodies through cosmetic surgeries such as rhinoplasties (a surgery also called "nose job" or "nose surgery"). People who prepare their bodies and themselves well tend to be better candidates for surgery. As a person prepares to get a nose job, one of the most important steps is the consultation with the surgeon. The consultation is the time when a patient and surgeon can have a dialogue about what the patient's goals are and wha


WHAT IS A SEPTOPLASTY ? WHAT IS A SEPTOPLASTY ? The nasal septum is the partition dividing it into the right and left sides on the inside of the nose. It is made up of hard bone at the back, and flexible cartilage at the front towards the tip. Twists and bends of this partition may cause your nose to feel blocked on one or both sides, and a septoplasty is an operation on the inside of the nose to straighten the septum, which will improve the breathing through your nose. WHAT IS THE AIM OF SEPTOPLASTY?    To improve the breathing through   the nose by straightening the nasal septum, without changing the appearance of the nose on the outside. By unblocking the nose, septoplasty may improve snoring. Septoplasty may also be used to improve the access to the sinuses on the inside of the nose if an operation on the sinuses is needed. If the nose is twisted on the outside as well as the bend in the nasal septum on the inside of your nose, the nasal bones may need to be reset as well